Fine Of £1.2 Million Handed Out Due To Poor Site Security

How To Lock Down Your Own Temporary Construction Site 

A rail and freight operator has received an enormous penalty after failing to secure their site or take adequate action over known intrusions. 

Thrill-seekers will always be attracted to danger, which is why it is of utmost importance for construction managers to lock down the perimeters of their project sites to prevent intrusions from occurring. From climbing up scaffolding, to playing with dangerous construction equipment, there are plenty of temptations for youngsters. However, a recent fine of £1.2 million handed out to a rail and freight operator will help to stress the importance of taking this responsibility seriously. 

Life-Changing Injuries 

Three 13-year old boys entered the Bescot Yard freight terminal in June 2017 after managing to gain access through a hole in the fence which was adjacent to some playing fields. Two of the boys climbed on top of a train, one received an electric shock from the power lines above which left him with life-changing injuries and 40% burns. The second boy experienced a broken arm and burns on his hand, whilst the third boy was unharmed. 

Unfortunately, this was not an isolated case, and 35 incidents had previously been documented where intruders were gaining access to the terminal in the five years leading up to this event. 

Health And Safety

Although this case was the result of an intrusion at a freight terminal, the risk of trespassing is just as real at temporary construction sites, which are also bound by Health and Safety at Work regulations. The hefty £1.2million fine handed out to the rail and freight company should be a significant warning to construction companies who know that they are somewhat behind the times when it comes to their own security methods. 

Keeping Your Site Protected 

Erecting a secure boundary should be your first method of prevention against intruders. Your fencing should be inspected regularly to ensure that there are no gaps which a person could crawl or cut through. Signage should also be clearly displayed to alert any potential intruders of both the risks and criminal ramifications of trying to cross this boundary. 

Your site can benefit from advanced methods of surveillance, such as construction site CCTV which will ensure that your entire site is covered by cameras. This wireless alarm system is managed at a remote monitoring station. If an intrusion is spotted on your CCTV feed, this will trigger the alarm so that footage of the event will be reviewed in real time. This strategy ensures that a response team can be dispatched rapidly to the scene within a matter of minutes, backed up by the authorities. This quick reaction to a security event could mean the difference between life and death if your site has been compromised by teenagers looking for some fun. 

Combination Strategy

A successful strategy for securing your site is usually achieved when you use a combination of methods to ensure that intrusions are dissuaded, prevented and detected. So alongside secure fencing and surveillance cameras, you could also utilise scaffolding alarms to trigger an alert if anyone attempts to climb or disassemble your construction, and perhaps invest in the services of a physical guard to patrol your site on an ad-hoc basis. 

Don’t risk disaster occurring on your temporary construction site or the fine and loss of reputation that would coincide with such an incident. Step up your security game and invest in a combination of modern technologies to safeguard your site this year. 

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