Making the Choice of the Best RC Battery Charger

An RC battery charger is probably one of the most important things that you should purchase if you are thinking about using an electric powered RC vehicle or if you have plans of getting into electric flight. It is also noteworthy that these chargers and also one of the most misunderstood things in the flying hobby. There are many flying enthusiasts who simply go for the chargers recommended by the sales professionals without carrying out any research. This results in getting an improper charger that does not suit your requirements. You end up either getting an underpowered or an overpowered charger without any useful features.

Features that You Need to Look Out For

When making the choice of an RC battery charger, the best thing that you can do is visit a hobby shop online and look for different varieties available. However, before doing this, you must take some advice and enquire about the type of charger that you should go for. Researching beforehand and knowing what options are available for you are some important steps that you need to carry out. It is also essential for you to know the features that you must look out for in a battery charger and they are as follows:

    • Balance Charging: The best battery charger will possess the ability of performing balance charging. Balance charging is a procedure that checks the voltages of the individual cells in the battery and ensures that all the cells have the same voltages. Balance charging is one of the most important factors to consider in order to avoid any mishaps.
    • Cell Compatibility: When purchasing a charger it is important for you to consider the type of batteries that it can support.
    • Power Output: Almost all batteries come with a specific power output and this is defined in Watts which is generally 50W. This is the number representing the amount of power a charger can offer to the battery.
  • Power Supply: There are some batteries that come with in-built power supplies. In case the batteries that you are using do not come with in-built power supplies, it is important for you to ensure buying a charger to which a compatible power supply can easily be added.

Why Go for IMAX B6AC Charger?

The IMAX B6AC Charger is the best battery charger that you should go for mainly because of the features that it possesses. The model provides PC connectivity allowing users to control their chargers through their home computers. The users also get the flexibility of upgrading the firmware whenever necessary.

The IMAX B6AC offers its users the ability of adjusting terminal voltage. This is something that makes this item the ideal charging solution for the most heavy duty batteries.


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